Alan's Story: Trapped in The Spirit World​​​​​​​
Alan's Story is an animated short that combines live action and animation. This movie tells a story about a boy named "Alan", who suddenly got himself trapped in spirit world because he played outside at dusk. He, then, tried to escape from the world with the help from a good Old Man spirit.

This movie takes several ideas from Balinese myths, such as the myth that if children are outside at dusk the ghost is going to get them; the myth that the ghosts are afraid of spiky leaf; and the myth that a big tree is a "house" of spirits.

Video Diaries / Moving Image III Project, Sampoerna University
Design & Animation : Maulana Abdillah Hamdi & Ni Wayan Wina Kusuma Yanti
Music and Sound Fx : |
Project Supervisor : Rodrigo Gonzalo Encinar
Character Design
Main Character: Alan
Supporting Character: Friends
Supporting Character: Good Old Man Spirit
Character Dimension
Green Screen Shooting
Background Design
Animation Rigging
Working on After Effects
Music and Sound Editing on Audition
Final Editing on Premiere Pro

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